Variability is the key concept to facilitate multivariance in computer applications. Static variability is applied at compile-time and allows developers to decide which parts of their software should be part of the final executable. Its benefit is a tailored binary file which only includes the data necessary to perform its tasks while omitting other data parts. A drawback is that not every decision can be made at compile-time which is why dynamic variability allows to defer that decision to the runtime of the application. During execution, it alters its behavior based upon its internal state to provide the desired variability. While this is a benefit, it also increases the runtime latency as the program has to evaluate its internal state each and every time. Even if the internal state has not changed. This thesis bridges the gap between static and dynamic variability and tries to combine the benefits of both approaches while reducing their individual drawbacks. During this thesis a linker has been extended to allow building and embedding tailored application views inside the executable. With the help of a runtime library the threads can individually switch to these specialized views to benefit from static variability. The library creates dedicated Address-Space Views which contain the views to which the application threads can dynamically switch to during execution, thus combining static with dynamic variability. The evaluation shows that the established method can be applied to real-world applications. Additionally, it can provide a significant positive performance impact in certain scenarios. Individual tailored views also allow to harden security in multithreaded computer applications by locally restricting the code a thread can execute.